This month’s lunar peak occurs on Friday August 31st at 9:58 A.M. EST at 08 degrees Pisces 34 minutes. This is the last sign of the zodiac and completions will be in order of the day. Any project, relationship, or other issue that has been left unfinished will require some sort of resolution. Matters of a spiritual nature will be intense and demand our attention. Pisces isn’t interested in this plane of existence, and seems to work outside our realm of consciousness. As such we often misunderstand its motivations and ultimate goals. This is a moment to let go of our preconceived notions and put some trust in our faith. Follow your instincts more than your intellect. Because Pisces rules all drugs – legal or illegal, some caution is called for now regarding the ingestion of substances.
Also on Friday August 31st at 10:32 P.M. EST Mercury enters one of the signs it rules. This is the most critical and detail oriented of the signs, and for a few weeks we will all tend to be a bit more nit-picky. Try not to get lost in the details or you could miss the bigger picture. Virgo rules the auditor and anything that should be scrutinized will be. It’s an opportunity to put your paperwork and finances in order.