On Sunday December 29th at 1:28 A.M. EST we will all be a bit willful. Because this conjunct happens in Capricorn it will be a little restrained, but the underlying attitude will be arrogant and demanding. If you have something to say you will say it now, so try to phrase things in an honest but non-aggressive manner. With Mercury in square to Uranus now as well (see below) it will be easy to overstate your case or just lose your control altogether.
Also on Sunday December 29th at 3:48 P.M. EST Mercury will also square Uranus. This is a very dangerous and excitable transit that demands our attention. Communications and travel will be especially disruptive and we should all pay attention to the here and now. It’s very easy to be distracted by Uranus. People may fly off the handle or say things they will regret later on. Try to use caution in your speech. Some brilliant ideas may come to some, and if you can control the urge to leap before you look, you will be able to institute some of them. With Mars just past the opposition, and the Sun about to square Uranus as well (see below) this could be an explosive holiday week.