Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Some Predictions for 2018

I was recently back on Coast to Coast for their New Year’s prediction show. I only had one hour, rather than my usual 2 hour slot. When you subtract the commercials it was 34 minutes of air time, hardly enough space for me to clear my throat, let alone make connections between my yearly prognostications. So let me put a few of them in order here.

As I’ve been reporting for some time, we are heading towards the Great Capricorn Alignment beginning in late 2019 and lasting for several years. That is the most prominent energy we are facing during the coming years. There will be a conjunct of Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto. The Saturn-Pluto combination will be the most intense part of it and last the longest. It implies serious power struggles, manipulation, lying, and a sense of lawlessness that will be shocking and violent.  

Uranus will enter Taurus in May 2018. That will have a huge effect on our financial markets, as well as all of the technological interplay we all engage in on a daily basis. Taurus rules money. Uranus, as many of you know, is the most erratic and unpredictable of planets. It tends to be explosive and unstable. We will have a stock market crash at some point with this planetary placement. The last time Uranus was in this sign was from June 1934-May 1942. I think we can all agree that it was one of the most unsettling periods in human history. The depths of the depression brought unemployment to between 25% - 50% depending on what country you are examining. The Spanish Civil War lasted from 1936-39.The 2nd World War began in 1939. And so on. Now, this in no way implies that we are going to have a Great Depression and another World War. Each transit of an outer planet takes place within its own time line, and with other transits and progressions occurring. But with the world heading towards that Capricorn transit that will culminate on America’s Pluto we could be facing a showdown of massive proportions. 

Long before he even won the Republican primary I’ve been writing that Trump is a stroke waiting to happen. He was born under a Full Moon eclipse with Uranus conjunct his Gemini Sun. The Sun (Leo) rules the heart and blood as it leaves the heart. The opposite sign of Aquarius and its ruler Uranus rules the blood as it returns to the heart. When there is a conflict between the Sun and Uranus it implies instability in the circulatory system. I have many charts of friends and clients with this configuration who have succumbed to a heart attack, stroke or other aneurism. 

In 2020 Saturn and Pluto will be in opposition to Trump’s Saturn, which rules the 5th house in his natal chart. That is the house that rules the heart. That will be the most obvious timing for an event. Of course, if he worked out, ate asparagus and arugula, and meditated he could avoid the circumstances. As it is, it’s just a matter of time. But, can our democracy survive this presidency? I’d say it’s 50/50.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for continuing to post your commentary notes and predictions. I freaked when I went to your website to view the current astrological newsletter and didn’t see your notes. I clinked on the link to your blog. I have followed your newsletter for years and I share it with family and friends. I agree that our Democracy only has a 50/50 chance of survival. One thing I’d like to add; We cannot look to Oprah and billionaires to lead us. We need to focus our energy on the foundations of this country and rebuild the structure from the bottom up. By that I mean - We the people need to be in charge of our country not the super rich and celebrities. We need their help, but a great Democracy can only survive through citizen action and civil participation. I try not to fear the future, but a reckoning is coming. May Peace & Love prevail!